How Long Does It Take to Travel Around the World?

Joannah W

Have you ever wondered, “How long does it take to travel around the world?” Well, the answer depends on several variables including the mode of transportation, the route you choose, and the speed at which you travel. From jet-setting businesspeople to intrepid explorers, the dream of circumnavigating the globe is a common one. This comprehensive guide will help you understand the timeframes involved in this grand adventure.

By Air: Speeding Around the Globe

Air travel is the fastest means to journey around the world. The record for the fastest circumnavigation by a commercial airline was set by British Airways in 1992, completing the trip in an impressive 32 hours and 49 minutes. However, this was a specially charted Concorde flight, not a typical commercial route.

For a more realistic estimate, if you booked continuous flights, with brief layovers for refueling and plane changes, you could potentially circumnavigate the globe in roughly 40 to 50 hours. Remember, this estimation doesn’t include potential delays, long layovers, or time spent at airports for security and check-ins.

By Sea: A Relaxing Voyage

If you’re looking for a slower, more scenic journey, travelling by sea could be the perfect choice. A typical world cruise on a luxury liner lasts about 100 to 120 days. This includes stops at various ports of call, allowing you to explore different cultures and cuisines along the way.

For those in search of a more hands-on experience, it’s possible to sail around the world in your own vessel. This, however, is a considerable undertaking. Experienced sailors have completed such trips in 1 to 3 years, depending on weather conditions, route, and time spent in different ports.

By Land: The Road Less Traveled

Venturing around the world by land is the most complicated method due to geographical constraints and international borders. Despite this, it is a favored choice for explorers seeking an immersive experience.

Assuming you’re driving and taking into account sleeping, eating, and sightseeing, it might take you a year or more to complete this journey. However, this depends largely on the route you choose, the type of vehicle, and the speed at which you travel. In 2010, a team driving an electric car completed the trip in just 127 days!

Walking Around the World: The Ultimate Challenge

Believe it or not, some adventurous souls choose to traverse the globe on foot. This is, of course, the longest method of all. The fastest recorded walk around the world was accomplished by Jean Béliveau, taking him 11 years to complete the 46,600-mile trek. This is certainly not a venture for the faint-hearted!


So, how long does it take to travel around the world? As you’ve discovered, the answer varies greatly based on your chosen method. From the lightning-fast speed of air travel to the slow, contemplative pace of a walk, you have a wide range of options available. Choose the one that best suits your travel goals and time constraints, and embark on the journey of a lifetime.

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